Jumat, 24 September 2010

Forgiveness and Love Lyrics

Imagining you're far away
Just searching for the words to say
I feel it when you fall apart
Our lives are a greatest art

I don't wanna change your mind
Coz i accept you for everything you are and will be
Stay here with me now

The only thing that are hearts are made of
Are the acts of forgiveness and love
The only thing real when push comes to shove
Are the acts of forgiveness and love
Coz in the end no one loses or wins
The story begins again and again
With forgiveness and love

You don't ever have to read my mind
You can see it when you close your eyes
Don't believe it when you loose your fate
Another moment is a moment away

I can't tell you what the future holds
Or how to live
All i know is what feels right lights up my life again and again

The only thing that are hearts are made of
Are the acts of forgiveness and love
The only thing real when push comes to shove
Are the acts of forgiveness and love
Coz in the end no one loses or wins
The story begins again and again
With forgiveness and love

Let's jump the start
Let's find forever
Where does the time go?
Just live your life
You'll get another today, today, today
Forgiveness and love

Coz in the end no one loses or wins
The story begins again and again
With forgiveness and love

Let's jump the start.... (fade to end)

Forgiveness and Love Lyrics

Imagining you're far away
Just searching for the words to say
I feel it when you fall apart
Our lives are a greatest art

I don't wanna change your mind
Coz i accept you for everything you are and will be
Stay here with me now

The only thing that are hearts are made of
Are the acts of forgiveness and love
The only thing real when push comes to shove
Are the acts of forgiveness and love
Coz in the end no one loses or wins
The story begins again and again
With forgiveness and love

You don't ever have to read my mind
You can see it when you close your eyes
Don't believe it when you loose your fate
Another moment is a moment away

I can't tell you what the future holds
Or how to live
All i know is what feels right lights up my life again and again

The only thing that are hearts are made of
Are the acts of forgiveness and love
The only thing real when push comes to shove
Are the acts of forgiveness and love
Coz in the end no one loses or wins
The story begins again and again
With forgiveness and love

Let's jump the start
Let's find forever
Where does the time go?
Just live your life
You'll get another today, today, today
Forgiveness and love

Coz in the end no one loses or wins
The story begins again and again
With forgiveness and love

Let's jump the start.... (fade to end)

Senin, 20 September 2010

memalukan pas UPACARA di 60 shs

hey gua mau curhat ya,, gak usah pake bahasa inggris, kalau pake bahasa inggris joe,nick jonas sama miley gak ngerti (abaikan saja).

oke ini dia ceritanya: tadi pagi gue bangun pagi jam 05:00 trus sholat karna takut telat gue gak tidur lagi. bla bla bla......

sampailah gue disekolah dan enggak telat(biasanya telat mulu)<---aib.
oke pas disekolah ternyata upacara untunglah si kak lily ngingetin bawa baju PMR.
sebelum bel gue nyontek pe er dulu (parahbet). yaaah cuma 2 soal.
terus bla blw blow .... bel pun berbunyi of course gue buru buru pake baju PMR. bajunya gede bangeeet.
gue jaga bagian belakang euuuu ketemu babi aer lagi (pacarnya fira).
trus lama kemudian


LAH DIA BARISAN GUE,TENTULAH GUE HARUS BERTANGGUNG JAWAB. gue minta ditemenin sama fira karana gue punya firasat yang gak enak. tapi fira gak mau JAHAAAAT.
dengan terpaksa gue harus kesana dengan langkah yang berat dan tertatih tatih<--lebay

yaa sebenarnya gue deg degan. kayaknya mereka ngerjain gue(didalam hati).
sampai di dekat kakak yang jongkok itu bertanya dengan manis(tampang gue jutek siih haha)"KAK MAU KE UKS GAK?" trus dia jawab "kagak gue cuma capek"

haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. mereka ketawa ngakaks.
gue mau meledak kayaknya kepala gue udah dieksekusi trus dibuang kelaut trus dimakan hiu. GUE UDAH GAK PUNYA KEPALA. hahaha stres gue sumpah!!!!

gue bego banget!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
trus abis itu banyak yang manggil manggil pengen ke UKS yaaah gue cuekin aja bodoh amet. (pengen ngerjain juga kali)

bl bla bla trus bel pulang(pulangnya cepat cuma 2 pelajaran).
ada kejadian memalukan lagi:
1.di toilet
2.di lorong.


Sabtu, 18 September 2010

bad day

heeeyyyyaaaaaa.. (~'.')~
gue mau cerita nih alias curhat tapi tapi curhat adalah kata yang aneh "Curahan Hati" yaaah itu lebaay. mari kita sebut ini cerita saja, ini dia cerita si wury jengjeeeeeng.

dari tadi pagi gue gak asik banget semua orang dirumah ngajak ribut banget, mulai dari ayah, mama, adek .....
oiya satulagi anggota keluarga gue yaitu abang.
mungkin daritadi pagi gue belum ketawa ..padahal hobby saya ketawa(gajelas).

tapi tapi tadi gue abis baca blognya si miss heho + @infongasal di twitter jadi ngakak sendirian (saya normal kok).

gue gak tau mau nulis apalagi nih.....

oiya besok gue mau kerumah ihsan jam 1 sama sari harusnya sama yudha dan sarah berhubung sarah lagi liburan dan yudha gak ada kabarnya... so of course mereka gak ikut.0iya fira juga ikuuut aaasik. dan satu lagi GUE BELOM NGERJAIN PEER SATUPUN AAAAAAAA(screaming inside).

SATU LAGI:gue belom beli kaset CAMP ROCK 2 pengennya sih yang bajakan karna lebih murah *maaf ya. tapi juga punya yang asli juga kok yang CAMP ROCK 1. (satu satunya kaset yang asli tanpa diskon). kebiasaan buruk gue yaa itu suka beli kaset bajakan hahah. beli yang asli kalo ada diskon aja hahahaha *peace

btw gue gak tau mau cerita apalagi udah ngantuk (sebenarnya belom)karna orang banyak beralasan kayak gitu yaaaa gue juga bingung mau bikin alasan buat manyudahi ini...

oke oke gue jujur gue gak tau mau nulis apalagi, pengen seh ngelawak tapi pas gue ngelawak pasti harus bilang "eh ketawa dong" baru lo ketawa. ckckc

okeeelah kalau begitu(jadi inget warteg boyz hiahaha)

sampai jumpa
see you....

Jumat, 17 September 2010


today i was bored cause i don't knew what i have to do. i just online,and played a game on pc.
i think it's so bad, just like unemployed people. huft.

one more,i haven't do my homework yet. even no one's. i just have 2 day for do that.
can i finish up. maybe i can't. but i try. so, why i'm still here. haha

so byee