Senin, 27 Juni 2011

me and my sister's experience

Hollaaaa.. apa kabar hihihi

Eh anak/cucu gue yang baca disuatu hari nanti hehehe (jauh amat). Berharap blog ini masih ada ya…

Hmm den pengen bacarito ko ha… tentang aktivitas yang pertamakali den lakuin(do you understand?).

Tadi pagi gue daftarin adek gue(mira rosadah) buat ke smp(verifikasi). Jam gue berangkat dan nunggu 42 selama 1 jam. Ganyangka nunggu 42 saat tadi tuhkayak di spongebob yang tersesat dikota orang yang lidah(bloop) dan mesin permen itu haha. Setelah satu jam kami pun merasa capek dan akhirnya naik taxi, awalnya sih males naik taxi karna mau berhemat ._.v

Sampai di SD nya, ternyata harus verifikasi dulu baru cap 3 jari…trus nunggu 42 lagi buat ke 43-__-

Huaaaaa lama coy. Pas dating 42 langsung naik dan sampai di smpn 43. Sampai disana ternyata raaaaaaamaaaaaaaaai bgt orangnya, rata rata ibu ibu o.o

No problem, gue memberaniin diri buat ngambil nomor urutan, dan ternyataaaaa… habissss, gue panic deh tuh trus gue tanyain sama bu guru yang disana, bu siti namanya yang ngajar di kelas 7, dia lagi sibuk bgt, gue gak saliman deh tuh, langsung nanya aja nomor urutannya(dengan gaya ibu ibu) hoex.trus lama lagi baru disediain, trus gue ngobrol dulu sama ibunya temen adek gue, dan katanya kenapa jam segini baru nyampe (saat itu jam 10.30), ibu aja jam 07.00 udah disini , katanya. Gue sih senyum aja(maklum kang ngaret hehe). Trus gue liat nomor udah disediain, dan lo tau gue dapat nomor berapa? Tebaaaak…

Lebih buruk dari perkiraan lo!! Gue dapat nomor 1 anjiir kan, nomor satu hahaha… kata ibu ibu disamping gue bilang , besok aja datang lagi… trus gue jalan mutar mutar, eh ketemu kak rais, wow masa dia masih ingat gue, dia guru pramuka gue waktu SD. Trus dia ngusulin buat daftar di smpn 154, karna disitu sepi, trus gue ikutin anjurannya……………. Tapi gue gatau itu dimana, gue gamau nyerah. Kalau naik taxi, takut diajak mutar mutar.. trus gue nanya kang ojek…… eeeh dia gatau juga, yaudah gue jalan lagi dan mutusin buat ke smpn 247(mungkin sepi).. abis itu tukang ojeknya ngikutin gue masa , katanya neng ayo abang anterin ke 154. Diih gue jadi takut tadi gatau masa tiba tiba tau.. gue langsung ngebut lari sama adek gue, kebetulan ada 42 dan kita naik… ketemu lagi sama ibu temennya adek gue, dan dia nyuruh dating besok. Haaaaaah gue bingung, gue gamau malu maluin sampe rumah nanti, masa daftarin kayak gitu aja gue gak berhasil? (dalam hati gue)… pas sampai di halte mampang, gue tiba tiba ingat sman 60, disampingnya ada smpn 124 hahaha… gue langsung turun dan naik 612 .. lalu sampailah saya dan mira di smpn 124.. gak nyesel disana sepiii bgt.. senangnyaaaaa J tanpa nomor urutan pula ~

Akhirnya tepat pukul 12 an (gatau tepatnya berapa deh hehe).. dapat kertas verifikasi(kayaknya bacaannya salah deh, apa vertifikasi haha). Dan gue senang..trus hari mendung tapi gak hujan..

Selanjutnya gue balik lagi ke SD naik 42 (heran gue udah 4 tahun ini alat transportasi 42 mulu bisanya haha). Padahal udah pindah rumah dan sekolah. Sampe di sd selesai.. dan pulaaaaaaang


Saat ini gue lagi liat adek gue di ppdb online dan tau gak loeh? Masa iya dia peringkat 39,

Hasil Seleksi

Pilih Data Pendaftar sesuai kategori di atas.

Data Lengkap Siswa

Biodata Siswa
Nomor Ujian: 9045130223
Tanggal Lahir: 1 Maret 1999
Asal Sekolah: SDN PANCORAN 07 PG
Data Pendaftaran
No. Pendaftaran: 1132013000211
Lokasi Daftar: SMP Negeri 124
Waktu Daftar: 27 Juni 2011 12:03:19
Data Nilai Ujian Nasional
Bahasa Indonesia: 10.00
Matematika: 10.00
Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam: 7.75
Nilai Akhir Seleksi
Nilai Akhir Seleksi: 9.250
Data Pilihan
Pilihan ke 1: SMP Negeri 43
Pilihan ke 2: SMP Negeri 124
Pilihan ke 3: SMP Negeri 182
Data Seleksi Sementara (Tahap 1) , s/d tanggal: 27 Juni 2011 21 : 27
Jadwal Seleksi: 27 Juni 2011 - 30 Juni 2011
Pilihan Diterima: SMP Negeri 43 (Pilihan ke 1)
Urutan: 39 dari 203

padahal besok masih adalagi.. heeeeeeem ganyangka ya? Dan temannya pun udah pada di deportasi.. kasian tinggal dia sendiri. Noh tuh adek gue pake contekan (ngakak sumpah). Dia enggak woooy..

Gue heran aja, kenapa bias kayak gitu, mungkin orang orang pada pintar,, hemmm menurut gue sih ya.. bukannya ngebangga banggain, menurut gue adek gue pintar, dari dulu dia tuh yang sering kepilih ikut olimpiade, yaah walaupun gapernah menang, trus dia selalu peringkat 3 besar. Kemaren nilainya ada yang 10, 10.. nah ujian –ujian juga sering dia dapet sepuluh… lagi pula dia dapet darimana pula -_- mikirlah, dia gak les di tempat yang banyak bocoran, bahkan dia emang gak les.. nah SD gue juga gajelek jelek amat (walaupun jelek gausah pake ngehina kali). Di 43 pun anak sekolah yang di SD situ banyak yang dapat peringkat, saudara gue nurfa dia rangking 4, nabila 3 besar, gue dulu rangking 6, banyak lagi.. tapi gak harus begini juga kan pamer -_- tapi tuh bener bener nyakitin hati, tapi tetap aja gue gak marah marah terus, cumin sehari itu doang.. tapi masih gak ikhlas kalo adek gue dibilang nyontek…

Okeh diakhir agak agak gaenak kan… yaaah you must know that life is hard…

It was good experience


Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011

perfect day

Hello….. hehehe update nih, berharap anak cucu gue nanti baca .. I love you cu(cucu nya muntah haha) (mikir kejauhan).

Okay it’s just for fun. Saya mau cerita walau saya tidak bias menyusun kalimat dengan baik dan ini gak lucu.. oke cerita dimulaaaaaaaaaiiiiiii~

Heyyaaa hari ini nyenengin banget, karena semua yang gue takuti selama ini (liat posting sebelumnya) kalau gue gabisa masuk ipa gara gara.

Ternyata gue masuk ipa ada stempel ipa nya..

Yeaaaaaaaaay senang banget gue dapet peringkat 9 pula :) tapi mama gue tetap gabangga sama gue, karna adek gue aja peringkat 1, tapi harusnya bangga juga dong ma,ini tuh susah, bodolah haha, tapi dikelas gue aada dua orang yang gak naik :(.

Tapi ini tuh benar benar gue ngerasa free tanpa beban. Alhamdulillah banget ya Allah. Tapi…………gimana nih, gue udah nazar buat make kerudung dikelas 11 haduuuh kayaknya gue belum siap. Sholat aja gue masih aca ucu masa iye pake kerudung

-_______- saran mama gue sih pake aja sehari, yang penting kelas 11 pake kerudung (kan gabilang selamanya). Hahahah politik. Tapi gatau juga nih bingung.

Pokoknya hari ini senang bgt.. masuk stasiun hantu blok-m (semacam rumah hantu gitu.). sumpah deh itu benar benar serem. Itu rumah hantu terseram yang gue temuin (nulis dgn semangat). Tadi tuh gue kayak pendekar hahaha dengan pedang (aqua),ditangannya sambil berkata “tabok nih”(sepanjang jalan).

Kocaknya hantunya malah angkat tangan dan bilang “iya iya ”(sambil nyengir keliatan giginya). Si fira lebihlucu , dia jatoh ditengah tengah jalan , udah gitu dia gada temen gandengan wkwkwk gue sama tikah. Gue juga jatoh pas awalnya udah gitu ketiban tikah hahaha… si asyifa malah ikkutan takut juga , padahal kan mereka se alam (syifa-tuyul). Kalau si bella ayam goring, awalnya dia berani bgt , mau paling depan. Pas didalam dia nyakar nyakar cewe yg jalan sama cowonya.. untung ada mereka berdua yang lagi pacaran , kalo gada mereka paling gue dan yang lain, nginep disitu, gaberani keluar hahaha.. pas keluar di pintu keluar gue ngerasa lega bgt. Dan gue liat fira pucat bgt, tapi bangga bgt gue berani masuk dan gak nutup mata. udah ya udah pegel.

Pas udah diluar eeeh ada setan baru lagi yang masuk melalui samping , gue minta poto dia malah diam aja, setannya sombong huuuuuuuuuh……

Udah ah yang pasti alhamdulillah ya Allah, ……… was a fairytale

Kamis, 23 Juni 2011

miley cyrus's lyrics song

HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.. ehem ehem(pura pura tenggorokan sakit) INI BUKAN KARNA LAGU INI LAGU PALING GUE SUKA ATAU apapun.. iya gue suka, tapi gue suka semua lagunya miley, tapi ini gue lagi pengen nyari lyrics aja,dan nyusun sesuai sama playlist gue di pc ini. biasanya gue nyari lyrics trus langsung tutup trus besoknya buka lyrics yang sama, ada baiknya jika gue nyalin ke blog hehe biar gampang.. baru segini nih, dikit bgt nanti tambahin lagi(kalo mood)...

oke semoga bermanfaat (sok punya manfaat hahahaah)

Robot Lyrics

It's been like this from the start
One piece after another to make my heart
You mistake the game for being smart
Stand here, sell this, and hit your mark

But the sound of the steel
and the crush, and the grind
it will scream who am I, to decide my life
But in time it will die, they'll be nothing left inside
Just rusted metal that was never even mine
I would scream, but im just this hollow shell
Waiting here, begging please
set me free, so I can feel


Stop trying to live my life for me
I need to breath, i'm not your robot
Stop telling me i'm a part of the big machine
Im breaking free, can't you see
I can't love, I can't speak
Without somebody else operating me
You gave me eyes, and now i see
Im not your robot, i'm just me

All this time, I've been misled
There was nothing but cross-wires in my head
I've been taught to think that what I feel doesn't matter at all
till they say its real
I would scream, but im just this hollow shell
Waiting here, begging please
set me free, so I can feel ok


Stop trying to live my life for me
I need to breath, i'm not your robot
Stop telling me im a part of the big machine
I'm breaking free, cant you see
I can't love, I can't speak
Without somebody else operating me
You gave me eyes, and now i see
I'm not your robot, i'm just me
I'm not your robot, i'm just me
I'm not your robot

I would scream, but im just this hollow shell
waiting here, begging please
set me free, so I can feel
Stop trying to live my life for me
I need to breath, i'm not your robot
Stop telling me i'm a part of a big machine
Im breaking free, can't you see
I can't love, I can't speak
Without somebody else operating me
You gave me eyes, so now i see
I'm not your robot, i'm just me
I'm not your robot, i'm just me
I'm not your robot

Scars lyrics
Songwriters: Cyrus, Miley; Shanks, John;

I can pretend that I don't see you
I can pretend I don't wanna hold you
When you're around, when you're around

I can say that nothing was right
But we know if I looked in your eyes
I'd break down, yeah, let's break down

If I could for just one night
To be with you, to make it right
And what we were and what we are
Is hidden in the scars

If I could, take you there
I won't let go, this I swear
You won't have to wonder what we are
'Cause you won't have to ever look too far
It's in the scars, it's hidden in the scars

If I told you that I love you
But I'm doing alright without you
It'd be a lie but I could try

I'd run a thousand miles we're leaving
You're the only one, I want you breathing
To break down, yeah, let's break down

If I could, for just one night
To be with you, to make it right
And what we were and what we are

Is hidden in the scars

If I could, take you there
I won't let go, this I swear
You won't have to wonder what we are
'Cause you won't have to ever look too far
It's in the scars

Yeah, I'll tell you all my secrets
All the ones I've kept inside
And I'll give you all the reasons
That you faded from my life

I will learn to go
Baby, come here for
I will let you up away

If I could for just one night
To be with you, to make it right
And what we were and what we are
Is hidden in the scars

If I could, take you there
I won't let go, baby this I swear
You won't have to wonder what we are
'Cause you won't have to ever look too far

It's in the scars, it's hidden in the scars
It's hidden in the scars
Yeah, yeah, yeah

I can pretend that I don't see you
And I can pretend I don't wanna hold you
When you're around

Stay Lyrics

Well, it's good to hear your voice
I hope you're doing fine
And if you ever wonder
I'm lonely here tonight

I'm lost here in this moment
And time keeps slipping by
And if I could have just one wish
I'd have you by my side

I miss you
I need you

And I love you more
Than I did before
And it's a day I don't see your face
Nothing's changed
No one could take your place
It gets harder every day
Said you love me more
Than you did before
And I'm sorry it is this way
But I'm coming home
I'll be coming home
And if you ask me I'll stay
I will stay

While I try to live without you
Tears fall from my eyes
I'm alone and I feel empty
God I'm torn apart inside

I look up at the stars
Hoping you're doing the same
And somehow I feel closer
And I can hear you say

I miss you
I need you

And I love you more
Than I did before
And it's a day I don't see your face
Nothing's changed
No one could take your place
It gets harder every day
Said you love me more
Than you did before
And I'm sorry it is this way
But I'm coming home
I'll be coming home
And if you ask me I'll stay
I will stay

I will stay
Always stay
I never wanna lose you
And if I had to I would choose you
So stay
Please always stay
You're the one that I hold on to
'Cause my heart would stop without you

And I love you more
Than I did before
And it's a day I don't see your face
Nothing's changed
No one could take your place
It gets harder every day
Said you love me more
Than you did before
And I'm sorry it is this way
But I'm coming home
I'll be coming home
And if you ask me I'll stay
I will stay


The city of angels is lonely at night
Keep myself alight by candlelight
So she can love you like I do
Look me in the eyes and say it's true

I ask myself is this love at all?
When I need you most you let me fall
I'm always here at the side of your stage
Let you live your life, pretend I'm okay

Don't you know that this is wrong?
I'll be okay
I'll hold you close, you'll stay forever

I, I don't understand
Why you're leaving me
I, I don't understand
How without you I can't breathe

Please don't, don't leave me here
Take my hand and breathe in deep
I don't understand
Why you can't take me with you

You can pretend I don't exist
But you will see my face every time you kiss
I hope you heard any walls fall down
When you hear the sound that I'm okay

Don't you know that this is wrong?
I'll be okay
You can't hold me down, I will stay forever

I, I don't understand
Why you're leaving me
I, I don't understand
How without you I can't breathe

Please don't, don't leave me here
Take my hand and breathe in deep
I don't understand
Why you can't take me with you

I watched you leave, I'm awake tonight
And I'm letting go for the last time
And through the tears I say goodbye
So breathe in, breathe in, breathe in, breathe out

I, I don't understand
Why you're leaving me
I, I don't understand
How without you I can't breathe

Please don't, don't leave me here
Take my hand and breathe in deep
I don't understand
Why you can't take me with you

I don't understand
Why you're leaving me
I, I don't understand
How without you I can't breathe

Please don't, don't leave me here
Take my hand and breathe in deep
I don't understand
Why can't take me with you


Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay A-A-Ay
Woohoo Woohoo
Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay A-A-Ay
Woohoo Woohoo

I'm alone, it's just me just
And I’m watchin’ TV
And I’m always oh, so bored at home
I get up, I get out
Drive my car way downtown
Keep on calling, but you’re never around
See my friends out tonight
Under these city lights
In the club till someone starts a fight
Then we get in the car
Still don't know where you are
I'm so pissed off, always hanging around

And I'm so tired
You’re fired

I’m so jealous, restless, relentless
That’s just me.
I'm so crazy lately
Come on, let it be
Don't make me beg for the things I need
You know what they say
Where there’s a will, there’s a way
Lies are free
Talk is cheap

Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay A-A-Ay
Woohoo Woohoo

Now we’re out in the street
And we sweat in the heat
And we move with the traffic and the beat
I don't care if you choke
When you light up your smoke

It’s the one thing I can call my own

It’s so tragic
I’m so in it

I’m so jealous, restless, relentless
That’s just me.
I'm so crazy lately
Come on, let it be
Don't make me beg for the things I need
You know what they say
Where there’s a will, there’s a way
Lies are free
Talk is cheap

Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay A-A-Ay
Woohoo Woohoo

I’m so tired
You’re fired

I’m so jealous, restless, relentless
That’s just me.
I'm so crazy lately
Come on, let it be
Don't make me beg for the things I need
You know what they say
Where there’s a will, there’s a way
Lies are free
Talk is cheap

Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay A-A-Ay
Woohoo Woohoo

Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay A-A-Ay

Talk is cheap, yeah

Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay A-A-Ay
Woohoo Woohoo

Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay A-A-Ay

Yeah, lies are free
And talk is cheap

miley cyrus-true friend

We sign our cards and letters BFF
You've got a million ways to make me laugh
You're lookin' out for me, you've got my back
So good to have you around

You know the secrets I could never tell
And when I'm quiet you break through my shell
Don't feel the need to do a rebel yell
'Cause you keep my feet on the ground

You're a true friend
You're here till the end
You pull me aside when something ain't right
Talk with me now and into the night
'Til it's alright again
You're a true friend

You don't get angry when I change the plans
Somehow you're never out of second chances
Won't say "I told you" when I'm wrong again
I'm so lucky that I've found

A true friend
You're here till the end

You pull me aside when something ain't right
Talk with me now and into the night
'Til it's alright again

True friends will go to the ends of the earth
Till they find the things you need
Friends hang on through the ups and the downs
Cause they've got someone to believe in

A true friend
You're here till the end
You pull me aside when something ain't right
Talk with me now and into the night
No need to pretend
You're a true friend

You're a true friend
You're here till the end
You pull me aside when something ain't right
Talk with me now and into the night
'Til it's alright again
You're a true friend

You're a true friend
You're a true friend


I need to feel your heartbeat
when you say you love me
I don't wanna hear it
If it's something that you don't mean

If I had to leave you now
There would be an empty space
It doesn't matter anyhow
You can take your things
And go your own way

And there's two more lonely people
In the world tonight
Baby, you and I are just two more lonely people
Who gave up the fight
yeah, wrong or right

Well you know my heart is aching
You don't have to break it
If love don't change your mind
then there's two more lonely people tonight

I don't want your pictures
I don't want your sympathy
We don't have to be friends
We don't have to be enemies

In my head I break it down
And I'm absolutely sure
That you and I could work it out
Or we could kill the lights on
What we had before

And there's two more lonely people
In the world tonight
[ From: ]
Baby, you and I are just two more lonely people
Who gave up the fight
yeah, wrong or right

Well you know my heart is aching
You don't have to break it
If love don't change your mind
then there's two more lonely people

Well we got something special
That should be enough
Nothing is predictable
When it comes to love
And maybe, baby, lately
It's been a little rough
But if you walk away tonight

There'll be two more lonely people
In the world tonight
Baby, you and I are just two more lonely people
Who gave up the fight

And there's two more lonely people
In the world tonight
Baby, you and I are just two more lonely people
Who gave up the fight
yeah, wrong or right

Well you know my heart is aching
You don't have to break it
If love don't change your mind
then there's two more lonely people tonight.

Who Owns My Heart lyrics
Songwriters: Armato, Antonina; Cyrus, Miley; James, Tim; Karaoglu, Devrim;


Creation shows me what to do
I'm dancing on the floor with you
And when you touch my hand
I go crazy, yeah

The music tells me what to feel
I like you now but is it real?
By the time we say goodnight
I'll know if this is right

And I feel you
Coming through my veins
Am I into you
Or is the music to blame

Who owns my heart, is it love or is it art?
'Cause the way you got your body moving
It's got me confused and I can tell if it's the beat or sparks

Who owns my heart, is it love or is it art?
You know, I wanna believe that we're a masterpiece
But sometimes it's hard to tell in the dark
Who owns my heart?

The room is full but all I see
Is the way your eyes just blaze through me
Like fire in the dark, we're like living art

And it hits me
Like a tidal wave
Are you feeling me
[ From: ]
Or is the music to blame

Who owns my heart, is it love or is it art?
'Cause the way you got your body moving
It's got me confused and I can tell if it's the beat or sparks

Who owns my heart, is it love or is it art?
You know, I wanna believe that we're a masterpiece
But sometimes it's hard to tell in the dark
Who owns my heart?

So come on, baby
Keep provoking me, keep on roping me
Like a Romeo, baby, pull me close
Come on, here we go, here we go, here we go

And it hits me
Like a tidal wave
Are you feeling me
Or is the music to blame?

Who owns my heart, is it love or is it art?
'Cause the way you got your body moving
It's got me confused and I can tell if it's the beat or sparks

Who owns my heart, is it love or is it art?
You know, I wanna believe that we're a masterpiece
But sometimes it's hard to tell in the dark
Who owns my heart? Who owns my heart?
Who owns my heart?

The Time Of Our Lives lyrics

Seems like we're holding on forever.
I gotta let it go.
Times up, you pushed me to surrender tonight.
Who knows what happens now whatever, where ever the wind blows.
And I'm there as long as we're together, alright...

Let's have the time of our lives like there's no one else around.
Just throw your hands up high even when they try to take us down.
We'll have the time of our lives 'til the lights burn out, let's laugh until we cry.
Life is only what you make it now, let's have the time of our lives.

Dreamers don't care if it's right.
I think I'm really into you.
Restless let's leave it all behind and tonight.
Crazy when you cross my mind, all the trouble we could get into.
So what, let's just give this a try, alright...

Let's have the time of our lives like there's no one else around.
Just throw your hands up high even when they try to take us down.
We'll have the time of our lives 'til the lights burn out, let's laugh until we cry.
Life is only what you make it now, let's have the time of our lives.

Lookin' back, what are we waitin' for?
Take the chance, now's all we've got for sure.

Let's have the time of our lives like there's no one else around.
Just throw your hands up high even when they try to take us down.
We'll have the time of our lives 'til the lights burn out, let's laugh until we cry.
Life is only what you make it now, let's have the time of our lives.

7 Things lyrics
Songwriters: Armato, Antonina; Cyrus, Miley Ray; James, Tim;

I probably shouldn't say this
But at times I get so scared
When I think about the previous
Relationship we shared

It was awesome but we lost it
It's not possible for me not to care
And now we're standing in the rain
But nothing's ever gonna change
Until you hear, my dear

The 7 things I hate about you!
The 7 things I hate about you, oh you
You're vain, your games, you're insecure
You love me, you like her
You make me laugh, you make me cry
I don't know which side to buy

Your friends, they're jerks
When you act like them, just know it hurts
I wanna be with the one I know
And the 7th thing I hate the most that you do
You make me love you

It's awkward and silent
As I wait for you to say
What I need to hear now
Your sincere apology

When you mean it, I'll believe it
If you text it, I'll delete it
[ From: ]
Let's be clear
Oh, I'm not coming back
You're taking 7 steps here

The 7 things I hate about you!
You're vain, your games, you're insecure
You love me, you like her
You make me laugh, you make me cry
I don't know which side to buy

Your friends, they're jerks
When you act like them, just know it hurts
I wanna be with the one I know
And the 7th thing I hate the most that you do
You make me love you

And compared to all the great things
That would take too long to write
I probably should mention the 7 that I like

The 7 things I like about you!
Your hair, your eyes, your old Levi's
When we kiss I'm hypnotized
You make me laugh, you make me cry
But I guess that's both I'll have to buy

Your hands in mine
When we're intertwined, everything's alright
I wanna be with the one I know
And the 7th thing I like most that you do
You make me love you, you do

Party In The Usa lyrics
Songwriters: Cornish, Jessica; Gottwald, Lukasz; Kelly, Claude;

I hopped off the plane at LAX with a dream and my cardigan
Welcome to the land of fame, excess, whoa am I gotta fit in?
Jumped in the cab, here I am for the first time
Look to my right, and I see the Hollywood sign

This is all so crazy, everybody seems so famous
My tummy's turnin' and I'm feelin' kinda homesick
Too much pressure and I'm nervous
That's when the taxi man turned on the radio

And the Jay-Z song was on
And the Jay-Z song was on
And the Jay-Z song was on

So I put my hands up, they're playin' my song
The butterflies fly away
I'm noddin' my head like "Yeah!"
Movin' my hips like "Yeah!"

Got my hands up, they're playin' my song
And now I'm gonna be okay
Yeah! It's a party in the USA!
Yeah! It's a party in the USA!

Get to the club in my taxi cab
Everybody's lookin' at me now
Like "Who's that chick that's rockin' kicks
She's gotta be from out of town"

So hard with my girls not around me
It's definitely not a Nashville party
'Cause all I see are stilettos
I guess I never got the memo

My tummy's turnin' and I'm feelin' kinda homesick
Too much pressure and I'm nervous
That's when the DJ dropped my favorite tune

And the Britney song was on
And the Britney song was on
And the Britney song was on

So I put my hands up, they're playin' my song
The butterflies fly away
I'm noddin' my head like "Yeah!"
Movin' my hips like "Yeah!"

Got my hands up, they're playin' my song
And now I'm gonna be okay
Yeah! It's a party in the USA!
Yeah! It's a party in the USA!

Feel like hoppin' on a flight, on a flight
Back to my hometown tonight, town tonight
Something stops me every time, every time
The DJ plays my song and I feel alright

So I put my hands up, they're playin' my song
The butterflies fly away
I'm noddin' my head like "Yeah!"
Movin' my hips like "Yeah!"

Got my hands up, they're playin' my song
And now I'm gonna be okay
Yeah! It's a party in the USA!
Yeah! It's a party in the USA!

So I put my hands up, they're playin' my song
The butterflies fly away
I'm noddin' my head like "Yeah!"
Movin' my hips like "Yeah!"

Got my hands up, they're playin' my song
And now I'm gonna be okay
Yeah! It's a party in the USA!
Yeah! It's a party in the USA!

The Climb lyrics
Songwriters: Alexander, J; Mabe, J;

I can almost see it
That dream I am dreaming
But there's a voice inside my head saying
"You'll never reach it"

Every step I'm taking
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking

But I gotta keep trying
Gotta keep my head held high

There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose

Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb

The struggles I'm facing
The chances I'm taking
Sometimes might knock me down
But no, I'm not breaking

I may not know it
But these are the moments that
I'm gonna remember most, yeah
Just gotta keep going

And I, I got to be strong
Just keep pushing on

'Cause there's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose

Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb, yeah!

There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Somebody's gonna have to lose

Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb, yeah!

Keep on moving, keep climbing
Keep the faith, baby
It's all about, it's all about the climb
Keep the faith, keep your faith, whoa

Goodbye lyrics
Songwriters: Armato, Antonina; Cyrus, Miley Ray; James, Tim;

I can honestly say you've been on my mind
Since I woke up today, up today
I look at your photograph all the time
These memories come back to life
And I don't mind

I remember when we kissed
I still feel it on my lips
The time that you danced with me
With no music playing

But I remember those simple things
I remember 'til I cry
But the one thing I wish I'd forget
The memory I wanna forget
Is goodbye

I woke up this morning and played are song
And throwing my tears, I sang along
I picked up the phone and then put it down
'Cause I know I'm wasting my time
And I don't mind

I remember when we kissed

I still feel it on my lips
The time that you danced with me
With no music playing

But I remember the simple things
I remember 'til I cry
But the one thing I wish I'd forget
The memory I wanna forget

Suddenly my cell phone's blowing up
With your ringtone
I hesitate but answer it anyway
You sound so alone
And I'm surprised to hear you say

You remember when we kissed
You still feel it on your lips
The time that you danced with me
With no music playing

You remember the simple things
We talked 'til we cried
You said that your biggest regret
The one thing you wish I'd forget
Is saying goodbye, saying goodbye
Ooh, goodbye